Saturday, August 8, 2009

Terminator Salvation Blu-Ray & DVD November 23rd

Yes, you read that right – Terminator Salvation is coming out on Blu-Ray and DVD on November the 23rd, just in time for someone else to buy it for you for Christmas!
There’s not a huge amount of info available on the DVD version, but according to Amazon, the Blu-Ray will contain the following goodies!

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Awesome! Can't wait!

Tuesday, July 7, 2009

Video Game Review: Terminator Salvation

Even though Terminator Salvation is the same name as the movie that opened in May, it is a completely different story. Terminator Salvation is set in Los Angeles in the year 2016, and takes place between the events of Terminator 3: Rise of the Machines and The Terminator and follows John Connor and his team, consisting of Angie Salter, Barnes and Blair Williams.

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Well, that's an honest review!

Thursday, April 30, 2009

PS3/X360 Preview - 'Terminator Salvation: The Videogame'

Terminator Salvation: The Videogame, developed by GRIN Studios, is a 3rd person action game with concentrated armed combat against all of the Skynet enemies from the film while encountering new enemies specifically designed for the game.

As a franchise, Terminator has always been about the future war. An artificial intelligence named Skynet took over the world's computer systems and ushered in a nuclear apocalypse that left humanity on the brink of destruction. The savior of humanity is an unassuming man named John Connor, who leads the rebellion and defeats Skynet. This causes Skynet to send one of its own robots, a human-disguised terminator, back in time to kill Connor's mother. As the series progressed, new twists and turns were introduced, but one thing was always certain: There will be a war in the future, and Connor will defeat Skynet.

However, with the exception of flashbacks in the first movie and the occasional video game, we've never gotten to see what this war is like. The upcoming "Terminator: Salvation" movie is the first in the series to be set in the postapocalyptic world. The video game adaptation, also named Terminator: Salvation, may not be the first game to be set in the postapocalyptic future, but it's the first time that players will get to control John Connor.

This review features a lot of images from the game - cool!

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and New Pictures from Terminator Salvation

New pictures of the T-600 series Terminator, on the other hand, evoke horror as much as fear with the imperfectly grafted on skin hanging on these scarecrow Frankensteins like so much dead meat, and doing an exceptionally poor job of covering up their true inhuman nature. More primitive than Arnie's T-800, for sure, but no less menacing.

Really creative people designing this stuff.


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New Concept Art from Terminator Salvation...

Speaking of robots, some newly released concept art offers a more detailed look at early designs for the moto-Terminators we've seen in some of the clips. In these early versions, the Terminator seems to be riding the motorcycle, but from the what we've seen of the movie so far, it's seems that it eventually evolved into a more thoroughly hybridized version. Wicked deadly looking in either incarnation.

Very impressive Moto-Terminators!


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New TV Spots from Terminator Salvation...

It's previews of Terminator Salvation galore this week, as the countdown to the robot-filled apocalypse nears its end. FX is front and center in three new TV spots with revved up action and some new footage. All of the clips feature John Connor broadcasting his call for resistance, but it is clearly the robot action that steals the show.

Awesome action!


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EXCLUSIVE: ‘Art Of Terminator Salvation’ Preview Brings Robots Up Close And Personal

A few weeks ago we gave you a first look at the “Terminator Salvation” trading cards and now we’ve got another biggie: an exclusive preview of “The Art Of Terminator Salvation” from Titan Books, out April 28.

You may have heard about the Harvester, a massive bot with a zillion weapons that scoops up human survivors. Well, we’ve got the first early production design of it. So if you’ve been wondering just how huge some of these robots are, just click on the photo for our full gallery. Trust me, you don’t want to miss it.


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Salvation by cyborg: McG helms next chapter in 'Terminator' saga

It's safe to say that any die-hard Terminator fan would have loved to have been a fly on the wall of the office where Joseph McGinty Nichol met with James Cameron to discuss Terminator Salvation, the fourth installment in one of most successful science-fiction franchises of all time. In one corner you had Cameron, who co-wrote and directed the original Terminator in 1984 and went on to make such revered action films as Aliens, Terminator 2: Judgment Day and True Lies. And in the other corner sat Nichol—or, as he's more commonly credited, McG—a music-video director who broke into feature filmmaking with the Charlie's Angels movies, which were filled with the kind of silly, deliberately over-the-top set-pieces Cameron has always avoided. Now McG was about to continue the Terminator legacy and he felt he couldn't do so without first paying homage to its creator in person.

McG rocks!

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Get a Look at Some Storyboards for Terminator Salvation

We're still over a month out until the release of Terminator Salvation, but you can get a look at some of the storyboards of the first attack by the Harvester Robot (the machine that collects humans so Skynet can examine them) now. The images come our way via SCI-FI Wire, and are early images from the new Terminator Salvation: The Official Movie Companion book, which hits store shelves May 1, 2009.


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Sunday, April 26, 2009

Sony debuts 'Terminator' Twitter game

Sony Pictures Releasing International says it has created its first movie-based game for the Twitter social networking platform.

The announcement of the "Terminator Salvation" Twitter game was made Monday by Sal Ladestro, executive vice president of marketing for Sony Pictures Releasing International.

"Twitter users can join John Connor in the war against the machines by following the tweets at Resistance 2018," Ladestro said in a statement. "In the fight against Skynet and the Terminators, mass communication is vital, so it's no surprise that the resistance would turn to Twitter. We think this is the perfect environment for the Terminator game as it allows users to interact with the movie, their friends and other game players instantaneously."

Terminator on Twitter - cool!

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Terminator Salvation - Official Trailer (HD)

We've featured the trailer in at least one other blog entry earlier, but it seems some people have experienced uploading problems. For those who haven't been able to watch the new trailer on other sites, here's the official one on YouTube.

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Warner Bros. Upgrades for Terminator 4 Viral Buzz

Marketers at Warner Bros decided an overhaul was in order for, a site designed to generate viral buzz for Terminator Salvation , which opens nationwide May 21.

Originally, Resist or be Terminated had a very amateur and generic WordPress layout. Now, it features sharp and detailed graphics, along with new pages. Enhancements to the site include new videos,a forum and Tactical Simulator, a role-playing game similar to iMob. Warner Bros must have anticipated a heavier stream of visitors following the Extended Look promo.The site's premise is to spread awareness about the hidden danger behind Skynet Research and

The latest video on the resistorbeterminated Youtube Channel features a dire warning about a war in 2018. Obviously, each successive video is ramping-up the drama for the movie premier and adding to the storyline.

We're enjoying all this build-up to the movie's opening next month! Keep them coming!

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Terminator Salvation iPhone Hands-On: Read this preview if you want to live

Screenshots for Gameloft's Terminator Salvation game, set to be released just in time for the movie next, recently wowed iPhone enthusiasts with their sharp visuals. Having finally played the game for myself, I can confirm that those are not bullshots -- the game looks outrageously good. In one scene set in a ruined San Francisco, I could read the highway signs hanging above a stretch of cratered asphalt. The character models for John Connor, the Terminator, and another person I am hesitant to mention because I don't want to spoil one of the movie's most crucial twists are nicely detailed. The way a smashed Terminator pulls itself along the ground at you looks just like it did in the first film.

It really is an exceptional-looking game.

This preview includes screenshots of the game. They look hot!

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Book review: From the Ashes, not so hot as expected

FROM The Ashes is a prequel novel to Terminator Salvation, a new blockbuster movie out this summer.

The book picks up the franchise’s thread about ten years after the fall of the nuclear bombs that marked the end of Terminator 3: Rise of the Machines.

Bizarrely, given the time lapse, John Connor seems to have slipped down the pecking order of the human resistance to the machines trying to wipe out humanity.

He leads a district cell whose pleas for assistance receive short shrift from the resistance high command.

When Skynet, the computer controlling the machines, sets up a new operation in his neighbourhood of one time Los Angeles, it gives Connor and his band of fighters a chance to make the leaders take notice.

We plan to watch the movie first before reading this novel.

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Terminator Salvation Producers $160 Million Lawsuit Settled

The three main producers behind the eagerly anticipated Terminator Salvation movie have settled a $160 million (£107 million) lawsuit over allegations of fraud and breach of contract.

Moritz Borman took legal action against his fellow moviemakers Derek Anderson and Victor Kubicek in March (09), claiming he helped the pair acquire the rights to the Terminator franchise for their firm Halcyon Co. in 2007.

The deal gave Anderson and Kubicek full rights over the production of Terminator Salvation and any future sequels, plus merchandise and licensing.

Well, at least that's settled before the movie's debut screening.

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Interview: Learning How to Survive with the game Terminator Salvation's Per Juhlén

“As the player, you will face many different scenarios, you will be hunted, face superior enemies, endure assaults and work your way to a solution.”

Movies don't have a great history within the game industry. Whether playing a game based on a movie or watching a movie based on a game, the results are rarely as epic as the promotional trailer. Terminator is one of the rare exceptions. When T2: The Arcade Game arrived, few could keep their hands off this non-stop, hugely destructive shooter. Even with primitive graphics and gameplay technology, few titles can compare, at home or in the now-dead arcade.

Unlike T2, Terminator Salvation, the action game based on the upcoming movie, isn't an on-rails shooter. But it has every chance of continuing its predecessor's legacy. "We have focused on conveying emotions relevant to the gameplay," said Per Juhlén, Producer of Terminator Salvation. "There is always a delicate balance when conveying emotions in a game without interfering with the actual gameplay.

"We worked hard on conveying the feeling of fighting a superior power and the feeling of satisfaction when a goal is achieved against all odds. This is where we used the more cinematic components, just to ensure we did not create frustration or poorly staged game play scenarios."

Will the Hunter Killer appear both in the movie and the game?

Read the interview

Preview of the new game Terminator Salvation (All platforms)

We recently got the chance to admire and test the new game by GRIN and Halcyon Games: Terminator: Salvation. A new game based on the fourth Terminator movie which will arrive in cinemas this coming June. Can the hero, John Connor, finally take down the artificial intelligence Skynet or will it need a fifth part?

The story plays in 2016, two years before the new movie. Judgment Day has come and gone, its trailers after eight years still clearly visible, endoskeletons are searching through the ruins of Los Angeles for human resistance and hope this way to end all of humanity. You, as foot soldier, try to end this but the military action to take down Skynet failed. Several units are now spread out between the ruins with ruthless T-versions on their heels. Helping your fellow resistance fighters becomes a struggle for life.

The new Terminator: Salvation will be a typical third-person shooter with the known cover system and it quickly became clear the makers have taken over the basic principles from their other game, Wanted: Weapons of Fate. Another thing that we immediately noticed is the quite linear environment, no side quests just straight to the point action. During the many fights, the linearity does tend to blur and you start to feel like the action is playing around the main character. Enemies will flank you, shoot your cover or go for full frontal assault. Taking cover is not an option.

News from the game world about the game version of Terminator Salvation include a preview clip.

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Is Digital Arnold Schwarzenegger A Good Move For ‘Terminator Salvation’?

One topic that some might argue was always bigger than anything else related to McG’s Terminator Salvation is: would we or would we not see Arnold Schwarzenegger, and if so, how? Rumors have flown in every direction, from strictly voice over work paired with Arnie-clone Roland Kickinger handling the physical look; to Schwarzenegger actually appearing; to even his likeness possibly being digitally introduced in one fashion or another.

Well, it seems that if you chose C, you’d be absolutely correct. Let’s see what they’ve won!

It’s being reported that a bust made of Schwarzenegger 25 years ago for the first movie is being used as the base for digital reproduction. That’s right, Arnold Schwarzenegger will apparently be appearing in the movie, but he didn’t do one thing for the appearance, just OK’d it, looked at it, and gave the gubernatorial thumbs-up. The thumbs-up may have been digital as well, we’re still checking in to that one.

So is this a good idea? Or has all of this Arnold business been way too distracting?

Fans are weighing in. We're all curious to see how the digital Mr. Guv will blend in.

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Director McG offers a sneak peek at Terminator: Salvation

McG’s passion for his next film, Terminator: Salvation – the fourth installment of the robot apocalypse franchise – may have been obvious and contagious at Toronto’s press-only screening of selected footage on Tuesday, but it also got him into some trouble. That is, if you consider ruffling the feathers of your production company and spoiling parts of your movie trouble.

Speaking frankly, the Michigan-born director told the audience that he had initially thought the idea to create a fourth Terminator film was “terrible.”

“[Director James] Cameron had told the whole story in two films,” he said, doing his best to hide his obvious disdain for the third film, Rise of the Machines.

However, he quickly warmed to the idea when he discovered the planned story was set in the post-apocalyptic, post-“Judgment Day” world of the Terminator mythos. “There were only ever glimpses of the world after Judgment Day,” he said. “So, right there, I started thinking that it might be worthwhile.”

Despite seeking (and winning) seals of approval from original Terminator creator/director James Cameron and actor Arnold Schwarzenegger, things didn’t totally fall into place creatively for McG until actor Christian Bale signed on to do the film.

Interesting inside story about how Christian Bale signed on as John Connor.

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A (R)ed flag for Christian Bale’s “Terminator Salvation

Now, word on the Net is that the upcoming fourth installment of the “Terminator” franchise, entitled “Terminator Salvation,” will be rated the more teen-friendly PG-13 when it’s released next month. The previous three films were all rated R.

I understand why the studio does this – they think it will make more money this way. That doesn’t make it any less maddening to us hardcore fans.

This phenomenon isn’t new. They did the same thing with the banal “Alien vs. Predator,” though in that case it was two franchises-worth of R movies.

“Terminator” is about the apocalypse. It’s dark. It should be rated R!

The originals are movies for grown-ups. Even those of us who were kids when they saw them (I was 15 when I saw “Terminator 2” at the theater in 1991) are grown-ups now. We want a grown-up movie.

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'Terminator Salvation' Director McG Inspired By James Cameron's Films

Trying to wrap your head around the entire "Terminator" universe at this point would require the kind of robotic brain capacity that only Skynet could manufacture. So, with a mere four weeks before "Terminator Salvation" rewrites the record books at theaters nationwide, McG is only looking at James Cameron's two classic films when he says, "I'll be back."

"I felt like it was time for a new beginning," the "Charlie's Angels" filmmaker said of his decision to ignore 2003's "Rise of the Machines" and the recently canceled "Sarah Connor Chronicles" and instead create a companion piece to the first two films of the franchise. "I feel as though Jim Cameron finished the story after 'Terminator 2.' We respect the mythology of all three Terminator pictures that have come before us, but this is about the future war. And we only ever got a tiny peek at the world [after 'Judgment Day'] — I thought it would be a really interesting place to start, and therefore worthy of a jumping-off point to tell a new 'Terminator' story and begin again."

Aside from small cameos by Linda Hamilton and (possibly) Arnold Schwarzenegger, the new film has re-cast the apocalyptic battle with Christian Bale, Anton Yelchin, Common, Bryce Dallas Howard and the fast-rising Sam Worthington.

"These are the films that have touched my life — I saw the first 'Terminator' picture and it scared the hell out of me, then I saw the second one and it made me want to be a director," McG remembered. "It's very important to me. I want to respect [the series] all the way and make sure that we are indeed mindful of what Jim Cameron put into motion."

Interesting. We fans are getting a clearer picture of what the new movie's about.

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Arnie drops Terminator cameo hint

The new Terminator film may feature a cameo from California governor Arnold Schwarzenegger, the original star of the futuristic franchise has revealed.

"They're looking at the technology to see if it is possible to use my image without me actually doing the work," said the actor turned politician.

According to Schwarzenegger, Terminator Salvation will feature the killer robot he played in the 1984 original.

He added it was "cool" that the action franchise was continuing.

Will he or won't he? Can someone please give a straight answer here?

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Preview: Terminator Salvation for IPhone

Due out the first week in May, Terminator Salvation brings the apocalyptic science fiction series to the iPhone. Tying in with the movie released later in the month, Terminator Salvation promises intense third-person shooter action set in the epic war for humanity's survival.

Fans of the series can look forward to playing as John Connor, the human resistance leader and future savior of mankind. Also playable is the mysterious character "Marcus," whose allegiance to the human alliance is shrouded in mystery. Through over three hours of gameplay and eight levels, players can guide these two characters through a post-apocalyptic war torn world. Each mission opens with a cut scene and a mission briefing that detail the enemies you'll be encountering and their weaknesses. These enemies include the iconic T-800 Model 101 Terminators and other robotic enemies designed by Skynet-- including tanks, motorcycles, and spider-like attack drones.

Terminator Salvation and iPhone - an unbeatable tandem. Cool!

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Saturday, April 18, 2009

McG Talks Arnold Schwarzenegger Cameo In 'Terminator Salvation'

Barely five weeks remain until director McG is scheduled to unleash Armageddon in the summer blockbuster "Terminator Salvation." And as he puts his finishing touches on what promises to be one of the biggest, loudest films of 2009, one concern is beginning to intensify: the absence of the franchise's signature star, Arnold Schwarzenegger.

"Who said that? Was it Terry Crews?" the "Charlie's Angels" filmmaker asked us recently, when we caught up with him at his production office to discover that Crews' recent confirmation of the Governator's appearance in the sequel may have been a bit premature. "Yeah, I heard about that."

Following on the heels of the burly star's confirmation to us (twice!) that Schwarzenegger was in the flick, McG insisted that the actor was mistaken. While McG has made no secret of the fact that he wants Arnold for the fourth "Terminator" film, resulting in a public back-and-forth, the director said that if the original T-800 doesn't change his position soon, the cameo might not happen.

I'd like to see the original T-800 in this new "Terminator". How about you?

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Friday, April 17, 2009

EXCLUSIVE: McG Talks "Terminator" Sequel Plans, Wide-Open Ending for "Salvation"

In an interview a few weeks back, “Terminator Salvation” director McG told us that he was hoping to bring back “Terminator 2” favorite Robert Patrick for a fifth film. When we caught up with the filmmaker recently, he elaborated on his sequel plans – including the wide-open ending of the new flick.

“If we have good fortune we have indeed planned out two more ‘Terminator’ pictures,” explained the director, keeping his fingers crossed that “Salvation” opens strongly on May 21st. “There’s an arc of story [in the new sequels].”

This arc will be left open with the ending of “Salvation,” which will point to a “Terminator 5” film. “The ending is indeed elliptical,” McG told us. ‘And it challenges the audience. It’s not a happy little bow of an ending at all. The ending is tough and requires reflection, and in some degrees it bifurcates the audience. You walk back to the car and one person thinks it means this, and the other person thinks it means that.”

Ok, sounds cool, now let's see it...

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Terminator 4 Salvation Trailer; Christian Bale Still Does Batman Voice?

Here is the newest released trailer for the up and coming movie Terminator 4 Salvation starring Christian Bale! The trailer looks pretty action packed, with lots and lots of explosions, running, and screaming. Or course, all of these are mild traits of this trailer compared to the epic-ness of Bale’s voice. True Batman to the core.

True blue Terminator. Check it out for yourself.

See trailer

Terminator Salvation ending changed

A spoiler ending was leaked last year for the highly-awaited Terminator Salvation. It involved a skin swap between characters, and according to the studio, this unusual ending was the final choice. However, things changed later on when a Warner Bros. employee said he had seen the movie after the spoiler was leaked and promised there would be some big changes. The third act of the film was completely changed because of the Internet leak, and promises not to resemble the previous film at all. The rewritten ending has received high praise. Rumors have been circulating that the new screenplay is a complete change from the original film–not as hard to swallow, but working better as a whole.

One more reason (as if we need one) to watch the movie.

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Terminator Salvation Web Poster, This is something you don’t see often

Wow, this is one interesting web poster. Honestly, I’ve never known web posters existed before today. But now I know, and I got 2 words to describe this, ZOMG BBQ! Or in English translation, that was mighty friggin’ sweet, my young chap. This certainly hypes the movie to a high degree. I know it’s making me want to see it!

Amazing! How do they do these?

See poster

New Batch of Concept Art from McG's Terminator Salvation

How about a bit of post-apocalyptic concept art to kick off your Easter Sunday? A fresh new batch of concept art from Terminator Salvation was discovered on the Sarah Connor Society blog (via SlashFilm) this weekend. The paintings were done by ILM artist Christian Alzmann and visual effects art director Warren Fu and look absolutely stunning, especially when viewed full-size. Given we've already seen plenty of imagery from McG's Terminator Salvation in the trailers that differs from most of this art, it's still pretty damn cool to get an idea of how it was all imagined in the first place. Check out this new art and enjoy!

Really cool!

See paintings