Sunday, April 26, 2009

Terminator Salvation iPhone Hands-On: Read this preview if you want to live

Screenshots for Gameloft's Terminator Salvation game, set to be released just in time for the movie next, recently wowed iPhone enthusiasts with their sharp visuals. Having finally played the game for myself, I can confirm that those are not bullshots -- the game looks outrageously good. In one scene set in a ruined San Francisco, I could read the highway signs hanging above a stretch of cratered asphalt. The character models for John Connor, the Terminator, and another person I am hesitant to mention because I don't want to spoil one of the movie's most crucial twists are nicely detailed. The way a smashed Terminator pulls itself along the ground at you looks just like it did in the first film.

It really is an exceptional-looking game.

This preview includes screenshots of the game. They look hot!

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